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Vero Beach Eye Doc 


At our office we diagnose and treat ocular diseases and injuries. We also offer complete contact lens services including all specialty lens products. Dr. Hanley works with some of the finest Ophthalmic surgeons in our area and co-manages laser and cataract surgeries. He himself had Lasik in 1998. Our optical provides frame styling to complement your lifestyle. Outside prescriptions are welcome.


Types of Payment Accepted

We accept cash, personal checks, MasterCard®, American Express®, Visa®, Discover® and Visa and Mastercard DEBIT cards.


Insurance Plans

For routine vision exams - we are only a provider for Spectera.

For medical eye care - we are a participating provider with Medicare, United Healthcare PPO, Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO, Aetna PPO, Humana PPO,  United Healthcare Medicare Advantage, Aetna Medicare Advantge, Humana Medicare Advantage, and Blue Cross Blue Shield Medicare Advantge.  

Call and schedule a appointment today

 (772) 933-6000


5565 20th Street
Vero Beach, FL 32966
(Inside Sam’s Club)


Tel:  (772)933-6000

Fax: (772)978-7786

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